The Truth About Why You’re Not Winning

It's simpler than you think

In partnership with

The ForgeA newsletter dedicated to personal growth and being a better man than the day before.

Look around
Most men are stuck
Same job. Same habits. Same life

And the worst part? They think they’re trying

  • They “research” instead of executing

  • They “plan” instead of taking action

  • They wait for motivation instead of building discipline

Here’s the cold truth: No one is coming to save you

  • Not your boss

  • Not your parents

  • Not some self-help guru on the internet

The only way out is to put in the reps

  • Want to get in shape? Train daily

  • Want to make more money? Build a skill and monetize it

  • Want a better life? Burn your excuses and take action

Comfort is the enemy
Waiting is the enemy
Thinking without execution is the enemy

Winners move - Losers wait

Which one are you?

Your man,

P.S. If you’re done making excuses and ready to actually change your life, read this: