The Productivity Hack You’re Ignoring

Stop making to-do lists - Do this instead

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To-do lists are where tasks go to die.

You write them. You ignore them. Then you rewrite the same tasks the next day, pretending you’re being productive.

Here’s what actually works:

  1. Schedule it. If it’s not on your calendar, it’s not real. Block out time like you would for a meeting.

  2. Do the hardest thing first. Your willpower fades fast. If you wait until later, it won’t happen.

  3. Eliminate half your list. Most tasks are busywork disguised as productivity. Ask yourself: If I only did three things today, which ones would actually matter?

The secret to getting more done isn’t doing more. It’s doing less, but making it count.

Now go delete that bloated to-do list and get one real thing done today.

— NoFluffWisdom

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